Many people believe the New Testament is corrupted and therefore
unreliable. But is this true? Biblical scholar Dr. Daniel Wallace
explores the issue at a Veritas Forum from South Dakota State
Sunday, May 26, 2019
How to never have a serious poison ivy rash again
Urushiol oil in poison sumac, poison oak, and poison ivy may produce a severe skin rash. Timely urushiol removal can prevent poison ivy skin reaction. The key is to understand how poison ivy works. Jim Brauker, Ph.D., spent 25 years as a biomedical scientist studying skin inflammation. He has been retired for 8 years, during which he has spent much time doing small property deer habitat work. Because he has high poison ivy sensitivity, he has tried many poison ivy treatments, poison ivy soaps, poison ivy creams, and other poison ivy products. Because he had such a strong poison ivy allergy, he either needed to give up habitat work or figure out how to optimize urushiol prevention. Poison ivy prevention was key, but poison ivy removal, actually urushiol removal was key to preventing poison ivy rash. This video shows the remarkable results of his investigation into how to prevent poison ivy reactions. The solution is so simple it is almost seems dumb. But if you follow his prescription, you will probably never suffer a severe urushiol induced skin rash (contact dermatitis) again. Don't take chances. You may think you have urushiol immunity or poison ivy immunity but you may just not have poison ivy sensitivity yet. For more deer habitat information and to read a free chapter of his upcoming book go to: The book will include an entire chapter on poison ivy with solid advice on prevention and treatment, and many other chapters about how to improve hour deer habitat, deer hunting, and how to shape your deer property with a chainsaw.
Friday, May 10, 2019
Using the Andy Cutler Protocol to Address Mercury Poisoning

Mercury is poisonous. However, mercury’s effects are very often misunderstood because the havoc it causes can masquerade under a variety of different names, including autism, chronic fatigue and multiple sclerosis. Mercury can affect practically every system in the body, producing a staggering array of symptoms ranging from anxiety and depression to full-blown psychosis; from asthma and allergies to autoimmune disorders; from scrambled hormones to neurological disease.1 There are literally hundreds of other symptoms of mercury poisoning.
Different people experience different mercury toxicity symptoms, depending on their individual biochemistry, but many people carry around a mercury burden that is more than their body can manage. Although symptoms may come and go, mercury-related illness typically is progressive. A person might start off with anxiety and depression, treat the anxiety and feel better for a while, and then go on to develop hypothyroidism, allergies and asthma. Other common heavy metals like lead, arsenic and antimony have similar properties and display similar patterns of symptom variation from person to person.
Mercury’s use has been so widespread that people can get exposed to it without even knowing an exposure has happened. For example, if mercury gets splashed around somewhere and does not get cleaned up properly, it can keep on poisoning the surrounding area for decades. An unwitting person may never know that they inhaled a toxic dose of mercury vapor.
The biggest source of mercury exposure for the general public is amalgam fillings, which are 50 percent mercury by weight. Amalgam fillings leach mercury vapor into the body, where it then accumulates. Another route of exposure is through flu shots and some other vaccines, which are loaded with highly toxic ethylmercury in the preservative thimerosal. However, even people who have never had a thimerosal-containing vaccine or an amalgam filling in their life can still be mercury-toxic. This is because they might have been exposed to mercury long ago in a school chemistry lab or on the job, or they may move into a house previously inhabited by a kid who liked to smash fluorescent light tubes in the basement. An exposure that happened decades ago could be causing a whole slew of current symptoms that a doctor is unlikely to be able to explain. Plenty of people have been chronically ill their whole lives, never having figured out what was really the matter.
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