Thursday, July 28, 2016

The Dr. Paul Internal Combustion Engine - 80% Efficient!!!

I found this video on You Tube ( link below).
It doesn't seem to have much buzz, when in fact it seems so amazing !!

The brains behind it are very qualified. So I thought I would share it here. It was a little difficult to find this info.

Dr. Marius Paul, an American engineer having Romanian origin. In Romania he was the director of National Thermal Engine Institute from Bucharest (a very prestigious institution designing tank, marine and locomotive engines).

After his arrival in USA, Dr. Paul created a company named Engine Corporation of America which began to develop the first variants of the Paul Engine.

The US Army was immediately interested by his concept and funded an intensive development.The results were so impressive that the concept remained top secret for 20 years. Now his patents are available for civil development.

Mainly the Paul engine uses an innovative arrangement of the connecting rod – crankshaft mechanism having opposite-pistons, without cylinder head.

Back ground on Prof. Fred Major who is speaking in the video (below)

Professor Fred Major was the CEO of Energy Dynamics Corp.

His background is in aerospace missiles, he started working on that in 1975 developing the Air continental missile called the Atlas missile.

Helped in the Development of the missile technology in the USA.He talks in this video about lots of stuff including his work on the Dr.Marius Ana Paul engine. Really interesting stuff.

VIDEO ____________________________________________ _____

The Dr. Paul Internal Combustion Engine – 80% Efficient!!!

Here is a time track verses subject matter Dr Fred Major address so you can jump to the juice parts.
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2:35 I want to talk about engines
2:43 in 1988 we won a contract from us Government DARPA agency
2:51-3:00 the challenge was to see if we can build and engine the is 50% efficient
3:00 the most efficient engine built is 30%.
7:40 the engine is a pressure vessel, poor pressure vessel.
9:20 End plate 39 engine head, 46 tear the bolts. Blew the engine stress
10:38 the problem is the way engine itself is built.
15:27 the problem is this head, very heavy especially on diesel, 20:1 pressure ratio 294 PSI. will break the engine.
17:00 head problem flat surface
17:30 all we did is solve the problem.
17:36 -18:00 we cut the head off , two pistons are opposed to each other .each piston acting as the compression port for the other, since the piston isn’t attached to the side walls you eliminated all of those stresses. You can pressurize it all what you want to pressurize it.
18:02 compression ratios (10:1 is actually 147 PSI ) while ( CR 30:1 is 4410 PSI ) , doesn’t fall apart since all pressure is on moving pistons.
19:28 eliminate the head
19:32 another problem connecting rods piston side friction
19:58 piston side friction pushes on side walls of the cylinder
20:10 elliptical cylinders
20:24 what we did two connecting rod to one piston, no pressure on cylinder.
21:08 to 21:25 single cylinder one liter 900 horse power
21:30 Normal engine 5 liter engine 300 horse power.
24:25 normal engine tank engine is about 11% Efficiency.
24:34 designed an engine uses all of the fuel ,
25:46 maximum horse powers not just 50% we got 80%
25:50 maximum thermo dynamics
26:25 the muscle car of the 70 where more Efficient than the engine of today
26:43 today’s engine is less Efficient
26:45 the car has become more efficient
27:20 car is more efficient but engine is less efficient
27:28 companies lies
27:41 catch 21 about engines they can’t get more out of it
29:35 trying to promote lets redesign the engine.
31:00 no pollution
32:07 Promoting cold exhaust so no infra red detection missile can target track it , too cooled.

Here is the patent


Here is more information  and history of this interesting technology.