Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Health Benefits of Organic Germanium

Dr. Stephen Levine,
Renowned Molecular Biologist and Geneticist Author, "Oxygen Deficiency: A Concomitant to All Degenerative Illness": "In all serious disease states we find a concomitant low oxygen state...Low oxygen in the body tissues is a sure indicator for disease...Hypoxia, or lack of oxygen in the tissues, is the fundamental cause for all degenerative disease. Oxygen is the source of life to all cells."

 ORGANIC Germanium facilitates the movement of oxygen across cellular membranes to deliver oxygen into the cells. Dr. Otto Warburg, Nobel prize-winning cancer researcher, discovered that cancer cells do not metabolize oxygen properly. Flooding cells with oxygen may retard the growth of cancer cells or even help return them to normal.

A study published in the Journal of Interferon Research, concluded "...organic germanium restores the normal function of T-cells, B-lymphocytes, natural killer cell activity, and the numbers of antibody-forming cells.... Organic germanium has unique physiological activities without any significant side effects."

Germanium has been used to treat depression, arthritis, vision problems, elevated blood pressure, heavy metal poisoning, and cancer.

Germanium was found in fossilized plants as well as in some foods, certain mineral waters, and in healing plants and herbs. However, it took many decades of persistent research to identify and confirm the healing properties of this mineral.

Japanese researcher, Dr. Asai who dedicated more than thirty years to the investigation of germanium, found out that some plants and mineral waters that are well known for their therapeutic properties also contain relatively high concentrations of germanium. The list includes garlic, broccoli, celery, aloe vera, comfrey, chlorella algae, ginseng, watercress, pearl barley, and shiitake mushrooms. The content of germanium in these plants depends on the soil in which they were grown.
In 1967 Dr. Asai synthesized a new compound that received the name "organic germanium" or germanium-132 (bis-carboxyethyl germanium sesquioxide). Although this compound was created in the laboratory, it is called organic because it contains carbon atoms just like any other organic substance. 
Unlike its non-organic counterpart which causes serious damage to kidneys, organic germanium is well known for its health benefits. The research shows that organic germanium
  • stimulates immune system and activates body's own defense mechanisms
  • fights free radicals
  • chelates some heavy metals
  •  may assist improved vision
  • increases the flow of oxygen in the body
  • improves skin conditions if applied topically as an ointment
Verified clinical research confirms both the safety and the efficacy of ORGANIC Germanium. (Remember there is a difference between ORGANIC and non-organic.  the ORGANIC kind is perfectly safe and nontoxic.  But if it is as good as some think, then big pharma wants to  spread confusion on the subject of its safety.)
Regular intake of organic germanium may alleviate many health concerns and  possibly  slow the aging process because it supplies additional oxygen. In Japan and in Russia organic germanium is used in alternative cancer therapies because of its ability to modify the body's biological response to tumors.
Most chronic diseases start quietly on a cellular level. Cellular injury affects the cell's ability to maintain a steady, normal, or adaptive homeostasis. Homeostasis is the ability to compensate for any changes caused by physical, emotional, or environmental stress. Homeostasis is the necessary condition for optimal health.
Lack of sufficient oxygen supply to the cells is considered to be the primary cause of cellular injury. Cells die when they do not have sufficient oxygen supply. The only cells that thrive without cellular oxygen are the cancer cells. 
"Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. But even for cancer, there is only one prime cause. Summarized in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by the abnormal process of the cancer cell." - Otto Warburg--Two-time Nobel Laureate, Winner of the Nobel Prize for Cancer Research:
Since organic germanium is known to enhance the oxygen supply to the cells, it may be considered the supplement of choice in cancer prevention and in cancer therapy.
Researchers also confirmed that organic germanium increased production of the interferon in the body. Interferon is produced by the leukocytes in the presence of pathogens. This probably is the reason why germanium is so effective in fighting off viruses as well as the tumor cells. 
A study published in the Journal of Interferon Research* concluded that "Organic germanium restores the normal function of T-cells, B-lymphocytes, natural killer cell activity, and the numbers of antibody-forming cells. Organic germanium has unique physiological activities without any significant side effects."
Suggested preventive daily dose of organic germanium is 100 mg. If needed the dose can be increased gradually to 1000mg per day. Dr. Asai administered a daily dose of 1000-2500 mg daily to seriously ill patients. Organic germanium is considered to be non-toxic and can be taken over a longer period of time. It is normally dispelled from the body via the digestive and the urinary tracts within twenty to thirty hours after ingestion.
It is important to remember, however, that organic germanium accelerates the detoxification processes and may cause Herxhaimer** reaction in sensitive individuals if taken in very high doses.
By Dominique Allmon
This information is for educational purpose only. It is not meant to diagnose or cure a disease. Please, consult a certified health care provider before commencing supplementation.